
Showing posts from 2016

Winter Break

Hello World. I know it's quite some time i wrote something on my blog; was busy with exams and all. So, the first semester here at IITB is over and winter break is going on. It's pretty boring as all my friends are busy in their respective colleges as they're yet not done with their first semester. Writing this blog is maybe an attempt to keep myself busy and do something productive. The boredom is partially checked by the excitement of the first ever encounter with the famed 'Mood Indigo'. What a feeling it is! Weather over here at my home town (in Punjab) is quite cold in December-January and a break from the moderate Mumbai weather; a perfect atmosphere to savour my mom's food. I've been playing a lot of Chess lately; with my brother, with my father and it's fun and I've improved a lot; from being clueless as to what the first move shall be to having a clear cut strategy since the beginning. I made a lot of plans for my winter vacations, th

My First Post

Hello World. This is my first ever post as a blogger and am quite excited. I have a variety of topics to touch upon and still haven't zeroed down onto a single topic. I may discuss the mindset with which i sit to study; I may also touch upon my ambitions and the self-doubt i sometimes face and how do i tackle with such negative thoughts. I may also start discussing my journey in IIT so far as well. I may discuss about the emotional upheavals a student faces while preparing for any competitive examination but i seriously don't want this blog to be one of those cliched blogs which serve as a guide to crack some competitive examination or JEE for that matter but i want it to be more general in it's composition such that it touches upon the various emotions, i repeat it again in bold, EMOTIONS, that a student goes through in the two years. And not only students, the things which i'll be discussing in my blog, they are applicable to almost anyone and i'll consider